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Friday, April 1, 2011

Delicate Arch

I have lived in Utah my entire life
Been to Moab more times than I can count
But I had never been to Delicate Arch
When we were planning this trip
Tim said that the only activity he cared about
was seeing the arch on the license plate
So, off we went

Jami was a little worried about Gavin
He is kind of a wild man would probably try to run off a cliff
Tim said that if they would go, he would carry Gavin
What a man

It was kind of a hike
My mom kept saying we were like the Children of Israel
Maybe not quite that rough, but this pic makes it look close

And then the wind started to blow
Notice Ada's hair, that wasn't a fan for effect
This little arch on the way was so cool

Nice hair E and Ada!
The kids were such troopers, they led most of the way

Delicate Arch
This picture doesn't show it, but the wind was out of control
Like notice the hat on Tim's head,
Lost to the wild winds, somewhere in a canyon
Some of the gusts were so strong
They almost knocked me over
The pictures were hasty, and not our best
Notice all the spare limbs and extra people in our shots

Ada was terrified of being blown away
She may have ended up in Oz

Aren't my parents cute?

Blame is on the wind

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