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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Old MacDonald's Farm

Friday morning I told Luke that we were going to go to a farm (aka Thanksgiving Point), to see the horses, cows, ducks, etc.  He immediately got excited and said that we were going to Old MacDonald's farm.  As my babies get older it has been so magical to watch them experience the world.  There was so much to do and see, we had a fantastic time on the farm

The Cowboy

Playing house,

Laughing at the sheep,
Real and not so real,

Climbing fences,

Petting the goats,

Everything was really just a warmup to the big event...
Riding the horses,
Luke was so excited and smiled from the minute he got on,
He told me after that he rode like a cowboy

Poor Ruby was clearly terrified,
There were a few brief moments where she smiled,
It may be because she ended up on the biggest horse
And was completely intimidated,
We'll try for the little pony next time,

Happy trails......

Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring Fever

Even though we have been spoiled with a mild winter, the arrival of Spring always feels so amazing. We had the best day on Saturday, warm and relaxing and lots of family time.

Jesse and I were supposed to leave super early for a run this morning.  I woke up in the middle of the night to a text from her that said she didn't get home until really late and would be too tired to run.  I was bummed that I wouldn't get to run with her, but not sad for the extra hours of sleep.  When I woke again, the sun was up and the weather was beautiful.  It really was the most perfect morning for a run.  

I made it though most of my miles but had to get home sooner than I planned so that Tim could go to work.  When I got home I put the babies in the stroller and headed back to the trail to finish my 12 miles.  Brycen, Taylor and Everest came along and we really had the best time.  The babies ran around like crazy, throwing sticks, playing in the dirt, and seeming completely free.  We stayed so long that Tim made it back from his showing and came to join us.  The weather was exactly how it should be in spring - so perfect that it makes you ready to be outside for the rest of forever. 

Luke told me he was climbing like a monkey.

We are pretty sure that Taylor was jealous of Ruby's cookies.

This girl loves to play in the dirt.

And everything is always better when daddy gets there.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

February 2015

It may be the shortest month, but I feel like we still packed a lot of memories into the month of February.

Jesse took the kids to the park and caught these shots.  It just makes me so happy that they have so much fun together.  

 I can't believe that Jesse convinced me to take pictures of ourselves lifting at the gym.  It makes me laugh to post them, but considering how much time I spend there, I guess it makes sense to include a few shots.

They looked so cute, all I wanted was one good shot.....

Erika got promoted to be a manager at Pizza Pie Cafe.  We've celebrated by eating there.  Tim especially loves their pizza because they will make it for him exactly as he likes.

With this ridiculously warm winter weather, Tim has taken advantage by hiking to the hot pots., one of his favorite activities.  This time he ran in and ran out, just stopped for a soak in the middle.  

I don't even know what to say!

Juniper Rose turned one and had the cutest Alice in Wonderland party ever.  

Grandma and grandpa got a new toy, I mean chair.  I foresee a lot of pictures like this in our future.

Any time I'm home from work Luke asks if we are going to Costco which makes me laugh.  I guess he's just like the rest of us and just loves all the good stuff you can find.  This was our most recent treasure, he wanted to put them on as soon as we got home.

We finished February on a high note - Tim and Erika spent the last Saturday of the month shopping for prom dresses.  Once they got home we all went out to dinner to Cafe Rio, then all the kids stayed home so Tim and I could go to a movie.  Perfect ending to a pretty great month.