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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ice Castles

This winter we have had snow, snow, and more snow.  And when it hasn't been snowing, it has been extra cold.  I have really tried not to complain which is made a little easier because Luke and Ruby think the snow, and everything about the winter is amazing.  So, instead of whining about the cold, we've tried to focus on all of the fun things that we can do to take advantage of the weather.  Last weekend it was sledding, this week it was the Ice Castles in Midway.  When we went to see the Ice Castles last year we had a great time, however, it rained most of the time that we were there and the castles were dripping and melting because it was so warm.  No problems like that on this trip.  When we arrived, the temperature was in the low 20's but the sun was shining and we could see blue skies so it seemed like the perfect day.  As the sun went down it gradually got colder until we got to the point that we were all pretty miserable.  Ruby was sure that the moment called for hot cocoa.  We enjoyed some cocoa and a fire and warmed up a little but by then we had seen and enjoyed everything so we decided to head home.  When we got in the car the temperature gauge 6 degrees!  I haven't been that cold for a long time, but it was totally worth having such a fun time with my little family.

No matter how much we begged her not to,
Ruby was intent on tasting all of the ice.

The kids loved the "ice throne" but couldn't seem to stay seated 

The kids absolutely loved the ice slides.  I loved watching their faces as they came into view - they were completely joyful and so alive.  There were several slides throughout the area - most were small but they did have one that was big enough for adults to ride.  Tim and I joined the kids for the ride and I'm embarrassed to say that I screamed the entire way down.  

 I like this shot that Tim took to get a perspective of
How big the area is to explore.

Plenty to see

Hot Cocoa!

Some of the views were really amazing! 


 As far as my kids are concerned, this Ice Castle belongs to Elsa and Anna from Frozen.  As we were getting ready to leave, the girls were there greeting people.  Luke and Ruby were so excited to see them.  The chatted with the princess, gave them hugs, and were pretty much enthralled.

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