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Saturday, April 2, 2016

March Miscellaneous 2016

March has been busy, and sunny (sometimes), and fun.  Both Tim and I have been really busy at work so when we have free time together, we try our best to make it count.  

Unfortunately, in addition to fun, we have continued to spend way more time than anyone should at various doctor's appointments. Early in the month,  Ruby had seemed to have had a cold for a few days, then one day woke up with a fever, rash, and green stuff coming out of her nose, eyes and when she spit.  I was worried about strep because she didn't seem to want to swallow.  Off to the doctor she went with Tim while I took Luke with me to the physical therapist (seriously, we have to divide and conquer because of the multiple medical appointments).  She didn't have strep, but she did have another ear infection and a serious sinus infection.

About the time that Ruby was finishing up the antibiotics for the sinus infection, she seemed to get sick again with something else.  We were at my parents on Sunday and she had been playing and having fun, the pretty suddenly spiked a fever of 103 and just wanted to sit on my lap or lay on grandma's bed.  We took her home, gave her Tylenol and put her to bed hoping for the best.  I think everyone thought I was a little overly concerned because she didn't act that sick.  But over the next two days her fever was off an on and she didn't want her diaper changed.  I finally decided to follow my gut and take her in, if nothing else just to ease my mind.   Poor thing had a urinary tract infection. So yes, off to the pharmacy again where I think we are now pretty much one of their top customers. 

We have had various rashes, runny noses, coughs, and plenty of owies that have needed a bandaid. The humidifiers are nearly always on, and we've even started adding all types of oils in hopes of a fix. Our month ended with visits to the ENT for Luke to get tubes, and a follow up on Ruby's tubes which are clogged.  After all of this it seems like we are on the mend and I have really high hopes for an April without any doctor's visits.

Sometimes being sick earns you a special popsicle

Despite all the sickness, this girl continues to shine.

Sometimes I feel like a little bit of an impostor as a mama, I'm not always sure when kids should be doing certain things.  I started wondering about the dentist and since I had to go in for a check up I schedule an appointment for the little ones and we had a family appointment.  This was the first time either of them had been to the dentist and I was so happy with how well they did.  We talked about it all week to hopefully prepare them.  The assistants told me that kids their age usually cry or refuse to open their mouths.  They were so impressed at how cooperative both kids were and that they were able to do a full cleaning and exam.  I'd like to think that it is due to my great preparation, but really, I think it was just because they knew that if they were good, they would receive gold coins that they could use to get a surprise.  I still remember loving to go to the dentist purely because of the prizes. Hmmm, maybe if they had some adult appropriate prizes, I wouldn't be so anxious to go for my own visits.  

The kids have taken a tumbling class all of this month at the Provo Recreation Center.  During class there are several stations and the kids rotate between activities for 10-15 minutes each.  They have loved participating and learning new skills.  Now that the class has ended, I've been thinking that we need to find something similar that is more long term.  

Finally, a little sunshine and blue skies so 
Tim and the babies could make it back to the trail.

There has been a lot of dress up this month, A LOT!  It has been fun to watch the kids play and pretend as they have worn different costumes.  Ruby often changes costumes several times in one day, and the name that we have to call her changes just as quickly.  Luke doesn't wear quite as many costumes, but he definitely loves to be part of the pretending.  

Because she is amazing, Luke's preschool teacher had a St. Patrick's Day program.  Because she is not amazing, his mama missed the program. Boo!  It was really such an awful moment.  I don't even know what happened....I just got the time wrong in my head and pulled up right about the time the program was ending  I felt sick about it all day, and actually still do, but Luke didn't seem to notice or mind.  He had a great time performing with his friends and loves being a part of his class.  Miss Nikki told us that she got such a kick out of Luke's response to what he would do if he found a pot of gold - buy a toothbrush.  Perfect response from my boy.

My parents had a bunch of old pictures out one Sunday night while we were old together.  These were a few of the gems that I found.  I'm pretty sure they were from 2002.  it seems like a lifetime ago. 

We celebrated my dad's birthday with a classic mazola cake.  This time we got smart and just cut individual pieces and gave each kid their own candle.  It wasn't quite as exciting, but definitely more hygienic.  

Twilight is my favorite time of day, and this one was especially amazing. 

We were so excited to spend time playing with our Arizona cousins Roman and Sadie.  It took the kids a few minutes to warm up to each other, but once they did, there was no stopping the fun.  

We had the best time taking Grandpa and Grandma Whitesides to the Museum of Natural Curiosity. Each time we go, the kids seem to discover more that they can do and see.  This time the magic shop and the veterinarians office were the biggest hits. 

Bubble baths are our newest obsession.

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