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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Back to School Blues

And just like that, summer vacation is over and Luke has joined the big kids at Lakeview Elementary.  The title of this post makes me laugh because Luke was completely excited to start school and the First Grade, it was his mama who had the blues over it all.  Kindergarten had been great, but I hated the idea of him being gone .  I was also nervous about him being thrown togehter with all the big kids.  I had to work hard not to let him feel my anxieties though because I didn't want him to feel the slightest doubt or concern about heading into the First Grade.  In the week or two before school started, we spent a lot of time getting him settled and ready - we picked out his outfits for the first week, bought his school supplies, and went to nearly every store in the valley to find the perfect backpack (black, Nike).  There were  a few items to check off the list and then all of a sudden, we were walking my baby to his first day as a First Grader and Lakeview Lion. 

Luke and I had talked about him needing a haircut before school started - his summer buzz cut was looking pretty shaggy.  Somehow time got away from us and Monday we realized we were about out of time.  I told Luke that Tim could take him to get it cut but he begged me to go with because he said I knew the right way to get it done.  I told him I would see if I could make it work to be there and he finally asked me if I could ask my boss if I could go with him to get his haircut.  Well with a request like that, what could I say....I promised that I would make an appointment and we would get it cut on Tuesday.  The stylist did such a great job with him and he said it was exactly how he wanted it.  As I sat and watched him getting it cut I realized (again) just how lucky I am to have this boy.

Tuesday night we all went to the school for Back to School night.  Luke had been a little anxious about having a new teacher and classmates so it was great for him to be able to see his classroom and meet his teacher.  Mrs. Clark will be his First Grade teacher and I think she will be perfect for him.  Luke realized that he knew several other kids in his class so I think that made him feel a lot better.  He found a desk where he wanted to sit and said goodbye until the next day.

After Back to School night we hurried home to have Luke's celebration dinner.  He was very particular about the menu and ate everything on his plate - chicken drumsticks, carrots, apples, watermelon, daddy's famous lemonade, and mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.  

Luke picked out his outfit for the first day of school a few weeks ago.  When we woke him up to get ready for school he was a little groggy, and definitely sleepy.  But, after a minute of reminding him about school, he quickly got himself up and dressed and was so pleased with how he looked, shoes and all.  At this point Luke is still really cooperative with pictures and was very willing to take the time to pose for as many pictures as I requested.  At one point he asked me if I was going to cry and I told him I already had earlier that morning.  Ruby actually slept through all of the festivities so it was nice for Tim and I to be able to just focus on Luke and let the entire morning be all about him. 

Check out his shoes!

As we left our house to walk to school, we immediately saw our neighbor Brooke and walked with her and her family for a bit.  Then we ran into Drake and Koa and Luke's morning was made.  The three of them stopped just long enough to let the moms get a picture, then they raced off towards the school.  Watch out world, these boys are ready for the First Grade. 

Luke had picked out his desk at Back to School Night, so as soon as we arrived, he rushed right over got to work.  He was sweet enough to give me a hug, but clearly was ready to get the school year started.  

By the time school was out, Ruby and Tim were more than ready to go pick Luke up from his class.  Luke is such a fun kid to be around because he always expects the best and gets so excited about most things in life.  When we asked him how his first day went, he said "It was the best day ever!".  I would have expected that for the first day, but so far, that continues to be his answer every day when he gets home from school.  Seems like Luke and First Grade are going to be just fine together.  

Luke was so excited to start First Grade missing three of his front teeth - he loved it when I called him my Toothless First Grader.  He started off the day with one bottom tooth hanging on for dear life, but by that afternoon, he had lost the final tooth of his front four.  It was the perfect timing and a great way to end his first day in the First Grade.

 First project of the First Grade!

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