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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Let Me Call You Sweetheart 2020

Without a beach vacation planned this year, it seemed like February might be long and dark and a little tough to bear.  I forget though how hard it is to be down when Luke and Ruby are near.  They get so excited about every holiday and we ended up spending the month crafting, creating, and celebrating love.  The fun started with a trip to Home Depot to make the cutest Valentines craft.  Luke and Ruby have gotten so good at painting and hammering that Tim and I mostly just hang out and supervise.  I loved that their creativity really showed  in their finished projects.

We decided to prepare early for Valentines parties.  Luke and Ruby helped me put together their Valentines to exchange, and we spent an afternoon making their boxes.  Having Luke's buddy here definitely made it feel like a party and the boys loved having matching boxes.  

The morning of Valentines, both kids woke up early, excited about the holiday and all of the fun parties and plans.  Tim and I got them each some little Valentines surprises and of course, they though everything was awesome - especially the Andes Mints.  Tim made heart shaped pancakes which was the perfect way to start the day.

Of course, I got the most beautiful flowers.

I went to Luke's school and helped with their class party - decorating sugar cookies was definitely a hit.  Ruby hung out with me at the party until I realized her kindergarten had already started and quickly rushed her to class.  After school the kids loved showing off their loot and telling us all about their favorite valentines and how much fun they had at school.  My mom and dad are so sweet, they came over and hung out with the kids so that Tim and I could have a night out.  Dinner and a movie may not seem very original, but for us, it was a fantastic date.

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