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Sunday, March 10, 2019

February Miscellaneous 2019

Some years February is not too bad....this was not one of those years.  Like January, it was cold and dark, and we had to work hard to find the bright spots, but there were a few moments that were worth remembering, like this bowling adventure with our Texas family (more on that later).

Even though the kids are getting older, I still love taking pictures of them when they sleep.  Truth be told, I often sneak in to watch their little sleeping bodies, and am still just amazed that they are mine.

For several days Luke insisted on sleeping on his floor. 

Gavin, Miles and Ada were in the play Robin Hood in Spanish Fork.  We love going to watch and ended up picking a night where they had a huge fan club with lots of Broadbents and Gurneys.  Luke and Ruby want to do everything the bigger cousins do and cannot wait for their chance to perform.

After a haircut, Ruby got an Elsa braid. 

Remember how I said it was cold....the weather has been ridiculous.

Happy Birthday Cory.  Ruby was so excited to give him a present.  She found a small piece of blue fabric and colored a picture of the two of them together.  She worked so hard on it and was so happy when it was finally time for him to open the gift.

One day Luke decided that he wanted his hair in a mohawk.  I couldn't think of any real reason to tell him know, so we found our best sticky gel and got it spiked.  He looked so stinking cute.

During the middle of the month, Josh and Emily came to Utah for several days to visit.  They spent time skiing and in Salt Lake with Jessica, then came to Provo and spent a full day with our family.  We had the best time together and only wish they could have stayed several more days.  They are the best couple and just so much fun to be around.  Luke and Ruby especially adore their "cousin with the big beard" and "his girlfriend Emily".  We spent our time eating, bowling, and hanging out playing video games and playing DJ.  I wanted them to see the frozen Lake but that ended up being a super quick stop because it was way too cold.  The adults ended the night eating Sushi and laughing.  We were missing Josh and Emily pretty much as soon as they left and we can hardly wait for their next visit.  

The jean jacket club!

Sometimes my kids forget to cooperate.

Grandma wanted a picture of just Josh

The kids and I went to Salt Lake with Tim for an appointment and had a little free time while we waited.  We went for a drive and ended up at Heritage Gardens, where Tim and I got married.  The wedding coordinator was there and didn't mine me showing the kids around the venue.  They thought it was so cool to see all of the different rooms, and they wanted to hear every single detail from the day of our wedding.  It was fun to have a chance to show them where our little family began. 

Luke was a little embarrassed to be in the bride's room. 

Tim and I have a picture in this exact spot. 

During the month of February Miss Juniper Rose turned 5 and threw a sloth-tastic birthday party.  Ruby was so excited to be invited and had the best time with the other little girls.  It was so funny to see the girls get so excited about the sloth themed games.  By far their favorite activity was decorating their own cupcakes.  Ruby could hardly bear to eat hers because it was so "special".

Gavin came for a sleepover and brought his dragons to play with Luke's.  They happened to look on the tags and realized that the dragons' birthday was that very day so of course we had to have a party.

As they were getting ready for church, they realized that they had matching pants so of course, we had to hunt for matching shirts, ties and shoes to complete the outfits.  They looked so cute and complete loved the attention from looking like twinners.

Nothing better than finding a little love note in your jacket pocket,
Thanks Sadie Kate

We did end the month on a bright spot.  Several months ago I bought tickets to Wicked, one of my very favorite shows.  I invited Jessica and Ada and we have been counting down the time ever since.  We had an extra ticket so Miles got to be our token male.  He was also the only one that hadn't ever seen the play so it was super fun to watch him discover the magic of Wicked on stage.  This particular production was phenomenal and we all left completely enamored with the show.  As much as I loved the show, I especially loved being able to experience it with nieces and nephews.  For so many years these were my only "babies" and I consider myself so, so lucky to be a part of their lives

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