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Friday, September 8, 2017


Ruby McKena is officially a preschooler and she could not be more thrilled..  For weeks she has been talking about going to school with Mr. Fox and how much Mrs. Fox loves and misses her.  She was lucky enough to spend some time at school with Luke when he went to Mrs. Fox so I think she considered herself the star student.  Sending Luke off to Kindergarten felt so scary and dramatic for me, but luckily it wasn't quite so hard to let Ruby start preschool.  She is so social and loves to learn so mostly I feel like we are sending her off on the biggest adventure.  Ruby knows that it makes me sad sometimes that she and Luke are growing up so quickly so even though she is in preschool, she said that I can still call her my baby.  In fact, she says that I can still call her my baby even when she is a mama.  I love her little personality and sense of humor.  This little girl has amazing things ahead in her future and I can hardly wait to see her soar.


Ruby pays attention to the details...
The shoes were love at first sight.

Her backpack lights up and flashes

The entire family was part of the preschool picture party.  

After plenty of pictures, and lots of hugs and kisses from Daddy and Luke, they left for Kindergarten and Ruby and I headed to preschool.  We arrived just in time to get a picture with Brexley - one of Ruby's best buddies from our cul de sac.  

As soon as she walked in, Ruby gave Mrs. Fox a big hug, then headed straight to the loft to play.  I thought that she might be a little shy or nervous.  Instead, when I told her I was leaving, she just stopped long enough to blow me a kiss and yelled out "bye mom".  

She came home just as happy as when she left.

The first few days of preschool have been pretty amazing.  Ruby comes home each day so excited to show us her "homework" and always says that school was "so fun"!  This little one is on her way....

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