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Sunday, August 21, 2022

May Miscellaneous, 2022 - Starring Ruby McKena

 Ruby had an extra busy May and we loved having a front row seat for all of it.  She has played soccer with the same girls for the past few years and they have the best time together.  Sometimes they are super serious about their playing - sometimes they are more serious about their chatting, but they are always the most supportive cheerleaders.  It was sad to see this season come to an end.

The second grade program was amazing - Ruby had a speaking part and was so excited to share what she has learned about being a Lakeview Lion.  The kids' songs were adorable and most were so funny - there is really nothing better than watching your kid shine on stage.

Speaking of school, this year all three of Ruby's former teachers retired:  Kindergarten, Mrs. Arney; 1st Grade, Mrs. Heaton; and 2nd Grade, Mrs. Anderson.  She has completely loved all three teachers and will be sad not to still have them at her school.  We feel lucky that she has had such amazing influences and woman who have loved and taught her so much.

Jive weekend is one of our very favorite weekends and this one was especially awesome.  It was so great to be back at the Covey, the girls loved being on the big stage with the high end lights and music.  We are lucky to have so much support, and Ruby was so excited to know that someone would be in the audience watching. Ruby and the rest of the Dazzle girls worked so hard all year and it definitely showed in their dances.   I love watching her light up the stage with her moves and personality.

One last visit to the ENT, tubes are both out, and she is free!

The change from the beginning to the end of the year always surprises me and makes me a little bit sad.  By the end of third grade Ruby had grown up so much.  With a lot of hard work, her reading really took off and has been fun to see her become such a confident reader.  Second grade has been good for this little love and she was sad to see it end.

By the end of the month, after all of the fun, this is definitely how we all felt.

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