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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

April Miscellaneous, 2021

Springtime this year felt especially beautiful...we made so many great memories during the month of April...beginning with the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point...everything about it was perfection.

Ruby snuck a few coins, she had to watch out for the self imposed guardian of the fountain.

We love having our mom's join the fun.

Luke raced up and down these stairs too many times to count.

Nothing better than penguin shaped cotton candy.

This dog completely rules the roost!

Our first time back to Lagoon in two years was on the Saturday before Easter which meant big crowds, but extra activities and fun.  We had time to see the Easter Bunny, visit Pioneer Village and ride all of our favorite rides. 

It was late Saturday night when the kids reminded us that we needed to color our Easter eggs.  

Luckily they got done in time for the big hunt. 

Luke and Ruby had so much fun with their baskets.

Celebrating at Grandpa and Grandmas is always the highlight of the day!

My birthday fell on a Sunday this year which made it perfect for celebrating with the kids.  They helped Tim make German pancakes and surprised me with breakfast in bed.  They were so excited for me to open their presents and picked out the most thoughtful gifts, including a necklace with their initials.  I loved reading their cards and spending the day with all of the extra loves and attention.  

We forgot to take a picture of my cake pre-candles, but man it was delicious.

Ruby drew a self-portrait and was so proud of how she looked.  The art teacher took a copy of the picture and made it into a button which Ruby loves to wear.  

Sunday morning walks at the lake have become pretty common.

Tim and I took advantage of the sunny skies, and the kids in school, and took of on a bike ride.

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