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Saturday, December 7, 2019

Trick or Treat 2019

We spent a lot of time this year discussing Halloween costumes, I mean A LOT of time...Luke knew from the very beginning that he wanted to be Spider man (the Miles Morales version), but it took a lot to make sure we got it right.  Ruby had so many different ideas that it was hard to narrow it down to just one.  We ended up ordering three different costumes - a witch, a husky and a girl spider man.  Once they arrived, she immediately picked the husky which was absolutely perfect for her.

Our elementary school has a Halloween costume parade and it is truly one of the best parts of the holiday.  We love seeing so many friends and admiring their costumes, and of course, seeing Luke and Ruby is the highlight.  

After school we came home and took a few more pictures, then the kids spent the next few hours counting down the minutes when it would be time to go trick-or-treating.

When it was finally time to get the treat bags and head out, Luke and Ruby were thrilled to meet up with a crew of friends from the neighborhood.  It was super cold, below freezing, and I thought we would have a short night and then come home to get warm.  One of the kids knew about a haunted house close to our neighborhood, so we started walking, and picked up a lot of treats along the way.  By the time we finally made it, we decided that it looked way too scary for the younger girls.  So Tim took all of the boys and I walked home with the girls.  When the boys got home they were all still amped up and telling stories about how scary it was.  They might all be scarred for life, but it was so fun to watch how impressed the boys were with their own bravery.  We ended the night with tired legs, super high blood sugar, and two really happy kids!

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