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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend 2019

As I was sifting through my pictures from Memorial Day, I realized that other than a picture of a random grave, I don't have any that are really related to the holiday.   At first I felt a little bad and wished I would have taken more pictures of my grandparents.  But then when I thought about it, I realized that they wouldn't mind.  Memorial day was always such a big deal to both sets of grandparents.  I'd like to think that it would make them happy to see us all there - remembering the family that came before us, and celebrating the family that is still here. 

My price for getting a picture with good smiles...

Is always the promise of a silly shot.

And one smile with one silly

Tim and Taylor standing guard

The best biker gang!

And we ended the night with a little pie in the face

We finished the weekend by going to Lagoon for our first trip of the season.  Man we have loved Lagoon with our little family.  When I was a teenager hanging out at grungy Lagoon, I would have never imagined that it would be a great family friendly activity.   Luke and Ruby are so fun to watch - and even more fun to take on rides together.  Both kids have turned into such daredevils - Luke and Ruby rode Colossus and Luke drug either me or Tim on every other scary ride in the park, including Canibal.  He was so proud of his bravery and still loves telling big kids which rides he rode. 

We started off on some of our favorites...

Then moved on to the scarier rides.

While the big boys went on Canibal, Ruby and I rode some of our favorites

Tim loves the train!

Luke and Tim found this unicorn pig for Ruby, she was in heaven. 
And really, could she be any cuter?

After spending several hours on rides, the kids were ready to explore Pioneer Village.  We spent a lot of time wandering through the old buildings and museums - I love that they think the historical sites are so much fun.  The kids especially loved the telephone museum - that was a new one for us.

The peacocks are one of the best parts of Pioneer Village

Ruby can never resist one last "bear hug". 

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