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Friday, April 26, 2019

March Miscellaneous 2019

The month of March started out with a party...thank you Dr. Suess for giving us a reason to celebrate...and it has been mostly sunshine (ok really, a lot of snow and rain but that is just too depressing) and smiles ever since.

Ruby loved all of the Dr. Seuss activities at Baby Bulldogs

Jarin and Jami bred their dog Lola and we were all on puppy watch for weeks.  As soon as they were born the kids started begging to go see them.  I was just as excited, so when they were a few days old we headed out to hold the new pups.  Lola was a champ and delivered seven puppies and each one was completely adorable.  When the kids found out the puppies were going to be sold they were sure it meant we could have one...I keep reminding them that I have kids, not quite ready for another dog.

Taco Tuesday
I can't believe this was their first time eating a hard shelled taco

Little techies

Oh man, where did my little Boo Boo Bear go?

Ruby has been enrolled this year in Upstart, the online preschool that we call "click click".  As part of the learning, she got an egg and then watched it progress, hatch, and grow from a chick into a full grown chicken.  Our entire family has loved watching the process...I guess this is the only pet we might have for awhile.  

While Tim went to Ogden with the big kids, the littles and I spent a Friday afternoon at the new Lego Movie.  It was super funny and we all had a great time laughing together  #everythingisnotawesome

This is the first year that Luke has been old enough to play basketball for Provo city.  He started playing in December, and it has taken him a little bit to get used to the pace of play and having to be so aggressive to get the ball.  He was a little discouraged after several of the games because he felt like everyone was scoring but him.  We talked about some options and finally, he asked Tim if they could spend some time practicing.  Bingo, that's what he needed.  After a lot of time outside shooting basket after basket, he was ready for his next game.  And he scored!  He was so excited and I absolutely loved seeing him work so hard and then have success.  

Basketball has now ended for the year and I think we were all a little sad to say goodbye.  Luke learned so much and really had a fun time playing with his friends.  Tim was the coach and was so patient with the kids and really worked hard to teach them the necessary skills.  I'm not sure that Luke even realizes how lucky he is to have a dad that is able to step into that role.

Ruby learned to ride without training wheels!
I'll put the full details in her five year old post.  

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