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Sunday, December 6, 2020

Trick or Treat, Covid Style

I think the kids are tired of us saying that ________ won't happen, or will be different this year thanks to Covid.  We are equally tired of saying it, and of "ruining" all of their fun.  In the weeks leading up to Halloween they were really nervous and asked a lot of questions about what our Halloween would look like.  A lot of parties and activities that we normally do were already canceled, but more than anything, Luke and Ruby really wanted wear their costumes to school, and to go trick or treating.  Fortunately, we were able to make both happen.

This year for school, the kids were able to wear their costumes for the entire day - that part was great.  The real disappointment was that they didn't have their traditional parade - weirdly, missing the parade made me really sad, it just felt like one thing too many.  The kids didn't seem to upset by it though - they had a virtual parade and we were able to watch everyone on camera.  Both Luke and Ruby came home from school super excited about the celebrations they had in class and said it was a great day.

Luke's teacher, Mr. Rowley, is fantastic.

Ruby loved dressing up for her dance class. 

The kids spent most of the day Saturday in their costumes.  We went down to Santaquin so they could show off for Grandpa and Grandma, then made it hope for chili dinner and trick or treating with the neighborhood gang.  There were a lot of people with super creative ways of distributing candy, and a few houses that just had the light out, but overall, it didn't feel too different than previous years.  Luke and Ruby got enough candy to last them until spring, and had the best time with their friends - and really, what more could we ask for on a Covid Halloween.  

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