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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Riverwoods Santa 2017

As I have been going through pictures and trying to catch up on the activities of the month, I have realized how many Christmas traditions we have developed over the years.  I love that we have so many fun things to experience together every Christmas.  I don't really remember how the first year of seeing Santa at the Riverwoods came about, but I know it included dinner and cousin time with Calvin.  Hopefully they will always be willing to join us because they make the night so much more fun.  And even better, Cory always brings his camera so I can just enjoy watching while he plays paparazzi and captures all of the fun.

Dinner before Santa this year was a little bit of a circus.  Luke and Ruby were completely wired and couldn't hardly calm down to eat.  From the minute we walked outside, Ruby grabbed Calvin and the three kids ran off to play.  We had to wait about a half hour to see Santa so that gave them plenty of time to have fun together and play with all of the other kids that were there.

Once we made it close to Santa's workshop, the kids finally agreed to join us in line.  As we watched the other kids talk to Santa, Ruby got a little nervous, but when we told her she could go with Luke that made her feel much better.  I love watching their faces and their reaction to all of the magic of this season.  This experience with Santa was one of my favorites.  


Luke and Ruby started creating letters to Santa at the beginning of the month and have written several different versions since then.  Luke's lists have included a wishing box, a real cannon, nerf games and a wallet.  Ruby's was hoping that Santa would bring her piggy paints (nail polish), unicorn slippers, and an interactive Huskie puppy.  The night before visiting Santa, they finished their lists and decorated the envelopes so that they could be put in Santa's mailbox.  

One of the best parts of the adventure is letting the kids run wild and enjoy their moment on the stage.  They had the best time dancing  and putting on a show for all of us 


This winter has been especially dry so far with almost no snow.  We had a brief storm with a little bit of accumulation at the Riverwoods.  The kids were completely fascinated and spent way too much time trying to play - snowballs, snow angels, and they even tried to build a snowman.  Silly kids!

Until Christmas Eve....See you soon Santa

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