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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Weekends are for Camping

The camping bug hit Tim and Brycen and they were lucky to be able to get two weekend trips in before the weather turned too cold.  When Tim was young, his dad would take him camping near the radar towers that are at the top of Farmington Canyon.  He decided he wanted to take Brycen since he had never been to that area.  They only stayed one night, but had a great time relaxing, hanging out by the fire, and enjoying the spectacular views.

While camping at the radar towers, Brycen and Tim decided that they wanted to do a longer camping trip near Mirror Lake in the Uintahs.  For a little while we considered taking the whole family, but the logistics were rough so we decided the big boys should just go on their own.  They were gone for three days and Tim came home so excited about the area - I think he is already planning another trip for next year.  The pictures are pretty enough that he might just convince me to go. 

I was worried they wouldn't have enough to eat,
Turns out they did pretty well with their fishing poles

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