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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend, 2017

We had a fantastic time celebrating with family this past Memorial Day weekend.  Craig and Hailey and the Arizona crew were in town so we started off on Friday by getting the kids together to enjoy some cousin time. Luke and Ruby were so excited to hear that Roman and Sadie were coming to play in their back yard.  From the minute they arrived, it was non-stop fun.  The weather was perfect, so after a picnic (which meant we all had to eat on the ground on a blanket), the adults hung out and chatted, (and refereed) while the kids played.  I'm pretty sure they don't think at all about the memories they are creating together, but I definitely do, and I love it.  

Favorite Uncle award goes to.....Cory!

Sunday afternoon we all took advantage of my mom's cooking and hospitality and spent the afternoon and evening in Santaquin.  While we were talking we discovered that none of the kids had ever been in either of the cellars at my Grandpa and Grandma Child's house so a field trip was definitely necessary.  They had a hard time understanding the concept of storing carrots and potatoes under ground and really thought that it sounded strange to think that my grandma filled one of the cellars with bottled beets, pickles and fish.  Both are mostly empty right now but they smell exactly the same - that smell brought back so many memories and transported me right back to being a kid and spending time helping my grandma.  The little ones were not quite as impressed and all declared that the cellars were Creepy!

They kids may not understand all of the memories and nostalgia and my grandparents, but love for the swing set my grandpa built is universal!  He made the swing set for my mom and her sister and then it became my favorite play place as a kid.  My friends and I spent so much time there and created so many memories so I love watching the next generation finding the same enjoyment.

Eventually we all made our way up to the cemetery.  The short walk provided plenty of opportunities for hand holding and family bonding. 

Spending time at the cemetery with family has always been the main tradition for Memorial Day. Luke was really excited to "see" his great grandparents and learn more about the people with the headstones.  This year we were able to hang out with my Hancock family which added to the story telling.  I feel so blessed to have such amazing ancestors and love knowing and remembering the amazing people who left such a legacy.  Both of my grandmas spent so much time at the cemetery and were so dedicated to cleaning and decorating the graves.  I have to think that it would have made them happy to see us all there. 

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