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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Disney On Ice

Growing up I loved to watch ice skating - I was amazed at the grace and beauty and like many little girls, secretly wanted to grow up to be an ice skater.  I've always thought that Disney on Ice sounded fun, and now that we have a little one that is obsessed with Disney and princesses, it seemed like a great time to go.  The fact that they were doing Frozen made it even better.  Friday morning came and Ruby had a new set of ear infections and the rest of us were still a little sick and cranky, but we packed everyone up and headed out with the hopes that the Disney magic would make everyone feel a little better.

Luke and Ruby were almost as excited to see Erika, Clark and Brycen as they were to see the Disney characters.  I love watching them together.

 I wish I would have caught better shots of the kids enjoying the show, but I have having too much fun watching and being part of the experience.  For most of the show they were mesmerized by everything that was going on.  They laughed and clapped and danced and generally had the exact reaction that I was hoping for.

Olaf was definitely the highlight of the show - even better that they had their own little Olaf toys to play with thanks to Erika and Clark. 

It seemed impossible to get out of there without some type of merchandise  Luke chose a Mickey sword and we chose a light up snow globe with Elsa and Ana for Ruby.  Both kids are completely in love with their toys.  It's pretty easy for me to get suckered into buying these things when I watch the fun that they have playing.  

Ruby was so sad to see it all end.  She stood and waved goodbye to the princesses and other characters until they completely skated off stage. 

We all had such a fun time together.  Dinner was complete chaos but I liked keeping with my dad's tradition of eating at Crown Burger - it must be a great tradition because it felt like everyone that saw the show joined us to eat. 

For weeks Ruby has been wearing her Snow White dress every day.  Well that has been tossed aside and she now wears her Ana dress all day, every day.  Sometimes she assigns me the roll of Elsa, but no matter my role, my most important job it seems is to dance with my princess. 

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