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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ruby One Year - The Party

I feel a little bad for my kids because I'm really not great at throwing parties.  Our house has a good set up for parties, and I like making the food, but I'm not a very comfortable hostess and no one shows up to see my great theme and decor.  I wished I liked to do the party planning - actually, what I really wish is that someone would do the party planning for me and I could just enjoy what has been created.  So far, the babies haven't seemed to notice or complain but I'm not sure what I'm going to do when they get bigger.
Since we were in St. George on the day of her birthday, we celebrated Ruby's birthday a week later with family and dinner.  Oh, and a really great cake.  I have been using the same lady to make my cakes since Luke's first birthday, and her cakes are the shining star of the party.  Ruby seemed a little overwhelmed for most of the night - she has been so shy lately and I think she couldn't quite figure out all the commotion.  I got a little distracted/flustered and completely forgot to have her open her presents until right before everyone left.  Poor baby.
Luke had more fun than he could have at his own party.  He and all the cousin brothers had their own party going on downstairs with some serious playing.  With the encouragement of Cory and Jarin they all devised some type of jumping from tables to beanbags or something similar that I really don't want to know about.  Luke spent about a half hour crying when they all left because he wanted to keep playing.
We had a great night and really were just so grateful to have everyone with us to celebrate our girl.

The People

The Cake


The Presents

And this is how an overly tired boy looks when he finally crashes.

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