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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve snuck up on us this year, if felt like we just had Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas was already here.  After going to the gym in the morning, I spent the rest of the day cooking and preparing food for the next few days.  Tim took the big kids out for some last minute shopping and Luke was good enough to sleep for several hours so I could get everything done.   We were so lucky this year to have both my parents and Tim's parents join us.  A few years ago we decided to incorporate Hailey's family tradition and started steak and shrimp for Christmas Eve.  This year we had cold shrimp, BBQ shrimp, and amazing tri-tip steaks (Tim does a great job on the BBQ).

Luke got his first taste of opening presents,
As expected, he was mostly interested in the wrapping paper.

What a great opportunity to have
Christmas Eve photos together.

Somehow the picture doesn't
Give an accurate picture of all the
Work of shopping, wrapping, etc.
But I love how magical it all looks
The stockings were "hung",
And Christmas has arrived...

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