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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve snuck up on us this year, if felt like we just had Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas was already here.  After going to the gym in the morning, I spent the rest of the day cooking and preparing food for the next few days.  Tim took the big kids out for some last minute shopping and Luke was good enough to sleep for several hours so I could get everything done.   We were so lucky this year to have both my parents and Tim's parents join us.  A few years ago we decided to incorporate Hailey's family tradition and started steak and shrimp for Christmas Eve.  This year we had cold shrimp, BBQ shrimp, and amazing tri-tip steaks (Tim does a great job on the BBQ).

Luke got his first taste of opening presents,
As expected, he was mostly interested in the wrapping paper.

What a great opportunity to have
Christmas Eve photos together.

Somehow the picture doesn't
Give an accurate picture of all the
Work of shopping, wrapping, etc.
But I love how magical it all looks
The stockings were "hung",
And Christmas has arrived...

Saturday, December 29, 2012


My dad only has one sister, so on his side of the family I have a total of five cousins.  We grew up spending Sunday's at my grandma's house and always saw each other for the holidays.  As we have all grown and now have families of our own, we don't get together very often but our Christmas tradition remains.  This year the party was at my house.

After a Mexican fiesta dinner, the adults all settled in to play "Deal or No Deal".  It started off as fun and games but everyone got a lot more serious when they found out that real money was involved.  I think my dad, aka the banker, was starting to sweat it when everyone's luck seemed to be good.  He bought off most everyone, but one of my cousins did walk away with $75.  Not bad!

While the adults were trying to earn their Christmas money, the kids were downstairs preparing a Nativity.  Two of the older cousins did the organizing and the whole thing turned out amazing.
Kanden and Gavin,
Totally normal for Joseph to hang out with a sheep, right
Brycen was so excited to be an angel,
He's been Joseph one too many times. 
The whole party
The best baby Jesus ever
With his favorite Mary and cow

When we were young, my grandma and grandpa Childs spent their winters in Yuma, Arizona and would send us a Pinata from Mexico.  My mom would save the Pinata to break on Christmas day with my cousins at my grandma and grandpa Horrocks' house.  A few years ago I decided it would be fun to bring the tradition back for the new generation of cousins.  There was a lot of wild swinging, and a few near misses, but we made it through another year with no mishaps.

Clearly these kids were excited with their loot.
Taylor is always such a good sport
To humor the little kids
No wonder they think he is so great!
These two were exhausted
After all of the festivities

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I realized a few days ago that I didn't have a pictures of just Luke with Santa - something I really wanted for his First Christmas.  So, last night we made the sacrifice and went to the Riverwoods to Happy Sumo.  It was the perfect place to make a Santa visit.  I love that they let you take your own photos.  These turned out exactly as I had hoped - Christmas jammies and all.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Whitesides Christmas Party 2012

Last Sunday we had the Whitesides family Christmas party.  Tim's parents always do such a great job at welcoming everyone and keeping us well fed.  It was great to spend time visiting, it's especially fun for me to watch all of the cousins together.

Such selfless hosts
All that was left for them were small plates

Erika and Sara

Erika and Jordan

Taylor definitely enjoyed the meal

Carl and Luke

My best boys

The family always does a nativity
This year Luke was "excited" to be the baby Jesus
We did a lot of practicing
I had to teach him that he couldn't
Laugh while being Baby Jesus
He was actually really good and just laid there
Like a little angel

Cheri, Luke and Dave
They absolutely dote on and spoil Luke

Santa Baby

The best reindeer ever!

Silly girls
Those glasses were the hit of the night.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Eight Months

Luke is such a good sleeper that I don't usually have to rock or sing him to sleep but when I do, I really only have three songs that we sing.  I've tried to branch out but I can't seem to remember all the words to any other songs.  The three songs that we sing are: 1)Hey, Won't You Play - an old BJ Thomas song from the 70's that was a favorite of my dad's; 2)in Spanish, My Heavenly Father Loves Me - the primary song, I don't know the words in English; and 3)You Are My Sunshine.   The other day I was singing You Are My Sunshine to Luke and I just started to cry - it just felt so true to me - this boy truly is the light of my life.  He is getting so old, so fast, and makes us laugh every day with his antics.  He is a total ham and loves to make us laugh.  The other day he tooted while I was holding him, then looked at me and started laughing - where does he get such a sense of humor already?  He's talking more and more (can't imagine where he gets that from) and will often "sing" along to any music he hears.  Oh, and clearly he isn't starving - I got on the scale with him this morning, 22 pounds.  

I love this, Luke looking at the 8
Like he can't believe it...
I agree baby, the time has flown by

It's so fun to have a new addition for Christmas, he really is out best gift ever.  I have had fun shopping for him, but do realize that his favorite thing Christmas morning will probably be boxes and wrapping paper.
He brings pure joy into our lives

Look closely...can you find the baby?
He has learned to roll all over
And is no longer safe to be left alone
First visit to Santa
Even better that he had
Erika and Brycen with him
He loves trying to drink from a glass
Already wants to be such a big kid
We bought him a sippy cup, it's his favorite
I just had to show that he still uses his swing
Best present ever
Bath time
He might have to move to a
Big boy bath tub soon
Light show in Spanish Fork
Luke was with us last year for our annual visit
But I think he enjoyed it a little more this year