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Sunday, February 14, 2010

And That's Why You Don't Buy Skis From The DI

I'm not naming names, or even confirming that the story is true, but, if you buy skis from the DI, you might go skiing, and have problems with the bindings, and have to borrow a screwdriver from the ski shop and try to adjust them several times, and then you might get off the top of the lift, ski down just a little ways, then your boot might come out of your bindings, and your bindings might come off of the ski completely, if that happens your ski might go flying off through the trees and hills, then you might have to hike/slide down the hill to where you can finally dump the DI skis, return the screwdriver to the ski shop, and swap for a new pair of skis. I'm sure the DI has plenty of great items, probably even some great skis. I'm just saying what might happen when you get a deal on skis.

Ready to Rock and Roll

This shot is for Julie
Not quite the same as beach feet, but ski feet are still fun.
Each time I go skiing, I amazed again at the beauty of where I live.

I had never been night skiing and was never quite sure I would like it. It always sounded cold and miserable. B was a little apprehensive, I think nervous of skiing in the dark. We did get pretty cold by the end, but we it wasn't too bad. B seemed to get faster the darker it got.
You can't tell, but we are riding the lift -
There were lights on the runs to ski.


Hailey Yep said...

did this happen to YOU? The vagueness is killing me.

Monica said...

Come now, do you think I would buy skis at the DI?

Jami Broadbent said...

I love that title and the story! Tim Jim don't be so cheap! ;)

Melissa said...

I love it! Your blog always makes me laugh. Who is B?

Monica said...

Tim's son