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Friday, October 23, 2009

Payson Lakes

Nothing better on a Saturday afternoon than a canyon drive with changing leaves and a lake as the destination.

Despite the looks, they really had a good time.

Every outing needs a "self photo". Tim's great at taking these shots.

B had to warm his hands after throwing snowballs.

Plenty of room of roam.

Everest was not so great at posing.
We just cut him out of this shot. Notice the leash?

My favorite moment of the day.


aisy said...

fun! (i would like to note that the word verification was one letter off of gangster... how appropriate for me. ha ha)

Jami Broadbent said...


haley hoch said...

Beautiful! I want to be closer to Payson Lakes :)

Melissa said...

OOOPS...didn;t realize I'm signed in as Haley.

Hailey Yep said...

Was that SNOW! Seriously? SNOW? I'm sorry, but my mind is kind of blown right now.
You and the kiddos are so cute!