My year end book review.
Luke received a crystal growing kit for Christmas and was super anxious to give it a try. We made sure we had safety gloves and goggles before starting the process, and read every single instruction. Once the chemicals were mixed, we watched over the next week as the most amazing crystals grew.
We spent an afternoon at the Museum of Natural Curiosity
We got super lucky with our neighborhood, and have been especially blessed by our friendships with the Larsens. Luke and Ruby consider Miss Nikki's house their second home, and sometimes I think they wish it was their first. Our kids have spent so much time together playing, but it was extra special when we were invited to be a part of Drake's baptism. As Luke is getting closer to turning 8, it has been fun for him to watch several friends be baptized - he is lucky to have such great examples.
Long, cold nights lead to a lot of time playing on the phone.
We sold Ruby's rocking chair from when she was a baby, and decided that we better have one last rock a bye and cuddle.

On MLK day Tim and Brycen braved the cold and hiked to the Y. At one time we had considered taking all of the family, but it ended up being cloudy and cold. We let them hike, and then once they got home, met Jami and the kids for an afternoon of bowling.

Blessed to spend an afternoon with Grandpa and Grandma Whitesides
Ruby enjoyed hanging out in grandma's chair,
While Luke was hard at work raking the leaves.
I can never get enough of these sleeping babies.
Inside play dates can still be a lot of fun.
Jessica and I spent an afternoon getting pedicures and then just hanging out and talking. Spending time with her was the very best sunshine for my soul.
Lunch with grandma and grandpa and all of the bigs.